Thesis Writing Advice: Title Page Hints
Starting the writing process on an academic paper is a very daunting task. It doesn’t matter if it is your first term paper or your dissertation for your doctorate, creating an academic paper and doing it right can seem a bit overwhelming. A student or scholar wants to seem like they are intelligent and making a simple mistake in the writing process can be embarrassing and worse yet can lead to a poor grade. There is no need to worry about this though, because if you follow the process and complete all of the parts of the writing assignment then the complete paper will fall into place without a problem. It all begins with a title page.
Complete the Picture
Your title page is very important because it is going to determine just how interested people are going to be in what you have written. It has to have two distinct characteristics in it. First it has to have information that is key to any academic paper so that it has legitimacy with fellow academics. Secondly there has to be some sort of an organization that is pleasing to the eye and invites all people to peek into your intellect and see what is going on. It all begins with a title. This should be a combination of intelligence and showmanship. A great title is going to make people want to investigate your paper and actually read what you have to say. It has to be a short synopsis of your thesis statement and subject matter. Not all of your information can be displayed by using the title alone, so there should also be a subtitle. This portion of the title page is going to be in smaller print than the title, but also it needs to provide a bit more information and depth to the reader about exactly what they will be reading about in this educational term paper.
Include the Basics as well
Of course the authors name has to be prominently displayed so that the researcher gets the credit that they deserve. Another part of the title page has to be the academic address of the work. Most research documents aren’t done independently but for a school of some sort. The institutions name should be included on the title page. Also the department should be listed along with the instructors name if the paper is for a high school paper. There are also some other simple things that can add to the validity of your title page. List all people who helped you in your research in any way and their institutions and positions. There should also be email addresses for all of the people that you mention so that they could be contacted if the reader was interested.