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A List Of The Best Dissertation Topics Related To Education

Choosing your dissertation topic related to education, you should keep a few details in mind. First, your topic idea should be manageable within your time constraints. Second, you should have enough materials to compose a strong paper. Third, it is recommended that you could add something personal to your study, e.g. use your own experience to draw some conclusions. The following lists of general and more specific topics on education will help you get inspired.

Major Dissertation Topic Areas in Education

You should start your work by choosing a major knowledge section. Usually, students consider topics within the following sections: management of the classroom, educational management and administration, development of curriculum and course programs, educational psychology, theories of teaching and learning, and education of students with special needs. After you have selected your area of interest, you should consider a narrower topic.

Great Educational Dissertation Topic Ideas

The following list contains narrower dissertation topic ideas. You can either select one of those ideas or come up with a similar one:

  1. The concept of lifelong learning and its applications in a particular country.
  2. Creating an inspiring educational environment and using effective learning methods.
  3. The main tendencies in the quality of education monitoring procedures.
  4. Career adaptability of general education: the main strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Effective informal learning methods useful in small rural communities.
  6. Social networking tools useful in informal learning.
  7. The ways to improve career guidance in a high school.
  8. The effectiveness of technology-based teaching methods as compared to traditional approaches.
  9. Innovative learning paradigm: the key concepts and approaches.
  10. Application of new teaching methods in the process of formal education: possible issues and complications.
  11. The influence of globalization on education: current trends and challenges.
  12. The problem of negative student’s attitudes towards the learning process.
  13. The key benefits of e-learning as compared to a traditional classroom.
  14. Special education policies in European countries and their effectiveness.
  15. The ways to use the motivation theory in the classroom.

The aforementioned topics raise important questions. You will find plenty of research devoted to those issues. However, it is recommended that you get your topic approved before you start doing a literature review and composing your outline. Your academic advisor will help you identify the most interesting aspect of your subject and provide you with a list of key sources to study. After that, you can get to work right away.