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4 Main Rules For Creating A Good Presentation For Defending Your Master’s Thesis

There are several precise and universal steps for defending your master’s thesis. Then there will be university rules as well. The committee that will look at the thesis includes the chair (which is the advisor), two other department members, and possibly staff from other departments at the school. There are also advisor rules. They are usually based on university standards and include an approval for the position and a graduate level staff status. The 4 things to remember are:

  1. The thesis topic- the topic must be approved. Additionally there will be paperwork to file. After approval of the topic, then the committee will be formed. The Graduate Office then receives all of this information. So, rule # 1-get your paperwork in order and approved.
  2. Oral Argument/defense- the preliminary approval will only take place after the advisor thinks the candidate is ready. Rule # 2-visit your advisor on a regular basis and follow his or her recommendations in order to get ready.
  3. Be ready for an audience-once the thesis has been reviewed an argument date will be set. The oral defense portion is open to the college community. Rule # 3-be prepared to see professors, other students, and graduate students at this part of the process. Your advisor will chair and moderate the defense.
  4. You go first-you open the proceedings with a brief synopsis of the paper findings. Then the questions will follow after that. The queries that deal with the content and substance of the paper are the part that is considered to be most important. No formatting, spelling, or grammar issues would be addressed. Rule # 4-start strong, know your subject, and be confident. You should have practiced this portion about 100 times before you actually experience it. After the committee asks questions, note that the non-committee members of the college community can also ask questions.

Once you, according to he committee, pass the oral defense, then you will become a candidate for your degree. The number of negative votes you can still pass with seems to depend on the college you attend. The group can also ask for revisions and then your final version will be signed on the thesis signature page by the department chair. Your college may require other documents to be signed and stamped, as well.
